Tag Archives: Music Business

Rising Above The Noise Floor #5: TikTok & The Modern Music Industry

The age of digital piracy took a heavy toll on the music industry in the early 2000s. Illegal file-sharing left a great crater where CD sales used to tower. In 1999 that tower stood over $14 billion dollars high, yet in the two decade aftermath, music sales plummeted to half of that amount. These were […]

Rising Above The Noise Floor #4: The Early Days of Internet & Music Business

At the cusp of the twenty-first century, the record industry went through vast transformations. Technology was once again at the helm of the ship, and the compass was pointed towards disastrous change for those resting in first class. With CDs peaking, in what seemed a golden age for music sales, record executives were on top […]

Rising Above The Noise Floor #3: How the MTV Generation Changed The World

I can still recall my first encounter with MTV. It was a video by Duran Duran called Hungry Like A Wolf. My sister and I had pleaded with our mother to get cable, just so that we could consume MTV culture twenty-four-seven. On that day in June of 1983 we huddled around the tv to […]

Rising Above The Noise Floor #2: The Early History Of Recorded Audio

The first piece of music to ever be recorded was Mary Had A Little Lamb. According to a PBS chronology, Thomas Edison discovered a means of recording audio during some experimentation with a telegraph machine in 1877. “By the end of the year…”, Edison invents his phonograph and, “…becomes the first inventor to successfully record […]

Rising Above The Noise Floor #1: Introduction

The world is changing at an extraordinary pace, and the music industry is no exception. To survive and thrive in the modern landscape of music business is to be a creature of exceptional resilience and adaptiveness. As we have all witnessed over the past few decades, both as consumers and creators, the ways in which […]